Expert In The Room

animation context social camouflagesocial camouflage postFor the ”Expert in the room” assignment I was given the word “Social camouflage” which means to conceal beliefs, attitudes, wealth, position or situations with your peer group, local community or society because of the social pressure.

How is ”Social camouflage” affected by social media?

Anonymity can make a person feel safe online, like a different person, one might even take on a new persona. It can also make one feel like doing or saying anything is possible because one will most likely not have any consequences.

How can autism be related to “Social camouflage”?

‘Social Camouflage’ may lead to under diagnosis of autism in girls because girls are better at blending in than boys.

Girls tend to want to socialize and be part of a group while boys tend to be more on their own.

That makes it more likely that autism in boys is spotted at an earlier age. Girls, on the other hand, may not get diagnosed or may be diagnosed later because their symptoms don’t stand out. This means girls don’t get the early intervention that they need.


The picture above is my creative piece for the assignment. In my opinion it pretty much speaks for itself. I think everyone has been in a situation were you have not been able to act like yourself for one reason or another.

Now when I am looking at this piece the second time around, I think I should have made all the characters wear a mask, because I am sure that all of us know what hiding yourself feels like.

Animation Context: Six Thinking Hats

animation context thinking hatsWhat are the ”Six Thinking Hats”?

Six Thinking Hats is a system designed by Edward de Bono which describes a tool for group discussion and individual thinking involving six colored hats.

Our brain is a very complicated and powerful tool. We can solve one problem many different ways. Edward de Bono suggests that you analyse your decision by wearing six different thinking hats so you can feel confident about your decision knowing that you have considered all points of view.

Image result for thinking hats

Animation Context: Week 3 +Linking Challenge

How many ways are there to approach one subject? Endless? Or maybe it just depends on how creative you are. In today’s lecture we were discussing different stages of learning. How to create ideas? How to generate more ideas?

I think every artist has had hard time coming up with a good solution for a problem or staying creative at some point. For me it is a daily struggle. This lecture was quite helpful, because we were suggested to look into some books that could help us train our brains into generating more ideas and making us think about different perspectives.

linking challange

Linking challenge

Using images: glitter; feathers; sticky notes; pipe cleaners to generate links to: a a musician; a film; an animation



Movie – When I think of  movie ”Just Friends” it reminds me of feathers, because of the ”lightness” of the movie. It is very easy to watch and it does not give you brainstorm. Definitely not a masterpiece but it is a good laugh. Good fun.


A musician – Bjork. Do I even need to explain myself here? Like feathers Bjork is very unique. No feathers are alike, all of them are unique. Another obvious reason would be her fantastic red carpet swan dress. Unforgettable.


Animation – Do you remember Cinderella’s little helpers? And their little cute hats on their tiny bird heads? Yes, that is my first linked association with animation and feathers. My childhood’s memories.



Animation Context: Week 2

In today’s lecture we were discussing Gibb’s reflective cycle and the importance of each step of the cycle instead of just trying to create or build an object straight away. We have touched up on it in the previous lectures as well and I am sure that we will be hearing  more about it, but I do not mind it because I need to be reminded of it. Many times I would have great ideas, but I would not know how to execute them and I would just end up being stuck.

Image result for gibbs reflective cycle